Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015

Good Morning and Good Day

Senang gak sih kalo lagi blog hopping trus menemukan gem tulisan bagus yang gak sekedar enak dibaca tapi juga memotivasi dan membekas di sanubari? Jadi sekedar mau berbagi. Semoga bermanfaat ya :D

Spend less than you earn. Thirty percent less if you can manage. Most people get a job and immediately spend their income on a car loan, high rent or a large mortgage, buying possessions and eating out using credit cards. None of that is necessary. Don’t spend it if you don’t have it. Learn to go without, and be happy with less.

Learn to love healthy food. It’s all a matter of adjusting your tastebuds, slowly and gradually. Learn to cook for yourself. Try some healthy, delicious recipes.

Learn compassion. We start life with a very selfish outlook — we want what we want. But compassion is about realizing we are no more important than everyone else, and we aren’t at the center of the universe. Someone annoys you? Get outside of your little shell, and try to see how their day is going. How can you help them be less angry, less in pain?

Never stop learning. If you just learn something a little a day, it will add up over time immensely.

Have fun being active. Sure, there’s lots of fun to be had online, and in eating sweets and fried food, and in watching TV and movies and playing video games. But going outside and playing with friends, tossing a ball around, swimming, climbing something, challenging each other … that’s even more fun. And it leads to a healthy life, healthy heart, more focused and energetic mind.

You need no one else to make you happy or validate you. You don’t need a boss to tell you that you’re great at what you do. You don’t need a boyfriend/girlfriend to tell you that you’re lovable. You don’t need your friends’ approval. Having loved ones and friends in your life is amazing, but know who you are first.

Open your heart. Life is amazing if you don’t shut it out. Other people are amazing. Open your heart, be willing to take the wounds that come with an open heart, and you will experience the best of life.

Ps, diambil dari blog ini (current favorite blogger!) dan sumber originalnya dari sini. Piece ini ditulis oleh Leo Babauta. Kudooos.

Pss, itu cuma sebagian kecil yang aku ambil dan sesuai banget sama kondisi diri saat ini hehe. Untuk lengkapnya silahkan klik link originalnya yaaa. Thank me later :D

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015


Sial nomor 1

Habis kuliah PAPP dan dapat amanah fotokopi bahan buat sekelasan. Langsunglah cus ke fotokopi belakang kampus.

"Pak, fotokopi dari sini ke sini ya, 18 jilid."

Mau duduk di sofa waktu Nelli bilang, "Emang kamu punya uang, Dit?" Tampang aku emang bukan tampang millionaire gitu sih ya jadi wajar Nelli nanya. Eh baru ingat uang di dompet emang cuma 2000 rupiah. Krik krik. Langsung lah ke ATM BNI sambil ketawa ketawa sendiri. Sifat sok kaya ini udah kuliah kok ya gak ilang ilang.

Sial nomor 2

Beberapa hari yang lalu menemukan struk laundry untuk bulan Januari di dompet. Eh kebetulan juga udah merasa kehilangan satu rok hitam kesayangan (yang mana rok ini penting mengingat mau maju sidang TA bulan ini. Doakan yaaa :D). Langsunglah feeling aku yang samasekali gak kuat ini pengen coba nebus itu laundry kadaluarsa. Januari gitu looooh. Tapi gak papa. Demi rok kesayangan.

Jadi aku bawa struknya. Makan empek empek dulu sama Rahmi. Cerita kalo nanti mau mampir ke laundry dan aku bakal melakukan hal memalukan jadi harap maklum. Di situ aku juga liatian dia struknya.

Habis makan kami langsung ke tempat laundry. Bongkar dompet, gak nemu struk. Bongkar tas juga. Akhirnya sambil ketawa ketawa ngenes (aku kalo lagi sedih atau marah di depan umum seringnya jadi ketawa ketawa gitu aja. Introvert gitu.... Cancer gitu... Pertahanan diri at its best) aku nekat datangin mbaknya dan mengutarakan maksud hati. Akhirnya disuruh sama mbaknya ninggalin nama dan nomor telepon aja.

Habis itu karna penasaran kembalilah ke tempat empek empek. Nanya sama acilnya. Eh dikasih harapan kalo tadi pas beres beres memang ada struk. Acilnya ke tempat basuh piring. Gak lama keluar, dan bawa struknya aja... yang udah ternoda dengan kuah empek empek. Tapi alhamdulillah penampakannya masih jelas jadilah saat itu juga diantar struknya ke laundry sambil lagi lagi aku ketawa ngenes di hadapan mbaknya. Maluuuuuu.

Ceritanya mbulet ya. Tapi aku kalo lagi kumat oonnya ya emang gitu. Wasting time, jelas. Tapi worth it buat jadi cerita bego yang long lasting dikenang sampai berbulan bulan lamanya.

Sial nomor 3

Habis makan malam, rencananya emang mau ke QM karna aku mau window shopping (karna kangen lama gak window shopping! Lol cewek banget ya) dan nge-Jco. Rencananya mau liat liat kemeja putih, rok hitam ataupun sepatu hak hitam gitu. Cek harga aja sih buat komparasi.

Tujuan pertama ke The Executive. Tau sih bakal mahal tapi sebodoooo, kalo aku mah, window shopping ke butiknya Prada atau Chanel juga aku berani. Apa tuh gengsi dan minder? Sini sih anaknya sok kaya trus jadi gak merasa. Haha.

Anyway, karna gak ada liat rok hitam, aku pun spontan nanya sama pramuniaganya. Mbak muda berjilbab yang lagi duduk gitu.

Dan ternyata dia juga pengunjung, bukan pramuniaga. Ih maluuuuu.

Ketawa ngenes dan langsung kabur deh sama Rahmi hahahaha.

Sial nomor 4

Ke QM juga aku mau ke Strawberry buat beli roll rambut. Niat mulia ini udah ada sejak smoothing kedua kali di Banjarbaru, tapi baru rela ngeluarin duit sekarang. 16 ribu kan gak murah yaaa buat begituan doang.


Trus ke Matahari. Ke JCo. Pulang.

Setengah jam setelah sampai di kos baru nyadar kalo plastik Strawberry ketinggalan di kamar ganti Matahari. Wassalam.

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015

Bahagia itu Diciptakan

My favorite SNSD member and why

I don't have one!! Lol it's wayyyy too hard to just choose one of 9 amazing, talented and inspirational girls. So yes, I love them all and I have no bias.

Your favorite SNSD song

It's still Gee. I love the music, the dance, the outfit, the overall performance. Never get enough of it :p

Your favorite SNSD album

It's definitely unpopular opinion among SONE all over the world, but I love Mr Mr, their 4th mini album.

A SNSD song that makes you happy

How Great Is Your Love? I like My Best Friend and Born To Be A Lady too but HGIYL is just too beautiful and meaningful I'd love to listen to it for the rest of my life.

A SNSD song that makes you cry

Divine. I don't need to explain this one right? :"

A SNSD song that makes you fall in love

Kissing You? Say Yes came close too though.

A SNSD song that makes you dance

Gee!!! Lol I even step back a little from the crowd and dance along to this song in SMTOWNJKT. Oh memories....

A SNSD dance you would like to learn

Genie's dance is so beautiful and on point to me so yes, I'd like to take a dance lesson from Kwon Yuri herself, maybe? :D Feminime at its best.

Your favorite SNSD music video

I like Oh Japanese Version the best out of their sooo many MVs. Basically I always like Japanese release because the girls are pretty and not too extreme in styling (unlike their Korean release)

The very first SNSD song you listened to

Just like most of any SONE, it's Gee, guyssss

Your favorite variety show with SNSD

Intimate Note. The girls are very pretty and loud and funny!

Your favorite reality show with SNSD

Star Life Theater featuring SNSD, all episodes. I love seeing all behind the scenes of their everyday life.

Your favorite actress from SNSD

As for now, I only watched Prime Minister and I and The Third Hospital, but I will choose Im Yoona.

The funniest SNSD member

Omg this is so hard lol. Each one of them is funny in their own way. But I will go with Choi Sooyoung. Best impersonator ever.

Your favorite prank with SNSD

Jessica's cucumber wreath during her musical is one of my favorite story :))

Your favorite SNSD couple

Jeti is feel. Jeti is love. Jeti is life. :))))

Your favorite SNSD moment

Their debut. Though I wasn't there at the beginning of their career but I still got goosebumps everytime I watch their first stage.

Your favorite SNSD interview
Their brief interview at Guerilla Date during Run Devil Run era. Everything is so perfect and fun and everyone is so pwetty pwetty. I miss everything T T

Your favorite SNSD song performance by other Kpop Band / Artist

I don't watch Dream High but I found their cast's version of Genie and gosh I love it. IU x Suzy x Taecyeon x Kim Soohyun x SNSD, perfection, is it?

To Taeyeon

Our favorite kid leader, our best vocalist, my favorite artist in the whole world, the one with the greatest fanservice. I know you're not perfect and it's okay, you can hold a grudge, you can date however and whoever, but please keep humble :))

To Jessica

You are no longer a member of SNSD but I will always support you in whatever decision you make. Please always be true to yourself and the world, keep singing, keep giving the best fanservice like you always did. I love you.

To Sunny

The introvert little bunny, Sunny. I know the feeling of choosing the hard way, hold a lot of things (painful things) only to yourself so other can't be bothered. But sometimes it's okay to let it all out. People can judge but SONE can understand, always. I always wish you to be healthy, cheerful, and surrounded by love.

To Tiffany

My favorite alay ever lol. The loudest member, the annoying one, but also the most loveable. Keep being humble, Fany. The road is still long until SNSD dominates the world like you always want to hehe. It's gonna be so weird if I wish you to be a little quite (because it's so not you lol) but I'd like you to be more behave okay? ;)

To Hyoyeon

SNSD mood maker, cheer to Hyoyeon. You are sooo pretty and funny nowadays.

To Yuri

The one with the most beautiful relationship of them all. I really wish you could get married to Oh Seunghwan, if only it could make you happy :)) Babo Yul, SONE's source of happiness. Keep trying your best, may a lot of the failures (from variety to movie) affects you only in a good way.

To Sooyoung

Actress Choi, MC Choi, the one with a lot of talent. The one with the most impressive public speaking (sorry but Tiffany and maknae, get out! Lol). The most fashionable one too. Please keep strong with a lot of hate comments :))

To Yoona

Actually I'm a bit dissapointed to you over the past years. You're being kind irrelevant and it's not really good. But I think it's just because other members shine too much? Lol. I really wish you could shine a lot more so I can feel more proud of you. Don't forget to always be happy, okay? :)

To Seohyun

Best maknae everrrr hehehe. It's always amazing to see your career going from here and there. Your humble personality, your fierce fashion style (second best after Jessi). I always believe you are genuine at everything you did not because I feel like it but actually because I like to have a positive mind. But I really wish you were. :D